I've started the Embossed Leaves socks from last fall's IK in purple Gloss from knitpicks.

And Lady Eleanor progresses. I think I will end up using 8 balls on her, leaving 2 for the fringe. I am hoping to end up with enough to do a hat or panta or something that will match it. If not.. oh well!

And here's my haul from Stitches East. I got some trekking for the entrelac fish mittens and two bumps of merino/tencil fiber dyed by MamaE for Cloverhill .

And a better shot of the fiber colors.

Nice little haul you got yourself there! Arwen looks like a great project. Hope it goes better for you...
Nice stuff!!!!!! Your lady E is coming along really great.....
Your lady e is coming out so pretty!
nice haul, the colors of fiber you chose are really great.
Love the Lady's colors!
I think Lady Eleanor deserves to be on Norovember!
Here's another post about how lovely your lady E is looking. And the purple socks is pretty too.
LadyE is looking lovely.
Mmmmmmmm Mernio and Tencel! Looking forward to seeing what you turn that into.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. You made me laugh! Best listen to you and get back to knitting!
I love your Lady Eleanor! I picked up some Noro to make one too! I'm glad to see how great it comes out!
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