Tuesday, July 11, 2006

117 feet of purply goodness.

I finished up the rest of my purple roving. I am very happy with it.

Here it is soaking in the sink so the twist will set.

This bit ended up being about 63 yards. So add that to the previous 54 and I end up with roughly 117 yards of fingering weight handspun for 2 ozs. of fiber. That's enough to do a little something lacy I think, or perhaps mix it with some of the green handspuns (after I do a little more) and make a Flower Basket with it. There's a similar shawl coming out in the next IK so perhaps I'll choose that one instead. No idea! But it will, at some point, become lace.

On a technical sidenote, I tried posting photos directly to the blog from flickr and I hate how it does it. It doesn't let you post more than one per entry, and they look rather blurry from the crappy way it's handling the photos. So you have to come and edit and tweak and if I am going to do all that I might as well do it myself, like how it looks, and be done with it.


Amie said...

You can add up to five photos through blogger automatically...

Your yarn looks so cute swimming! Hope to see it (and you) Monday!

Stacey said...

The purple yarn looks great!

I use the static url from Flikr if I need more than the 5 photos blogger lets me have....